Question 1
(a) use the information above to prepare a table with the following headings: Equipment, Quantity, Hours of operations, Power rating and Energy consumed in the professor's house.
(b) estimate the total energy consumed by the professor in a month and per annum.
(c) if IBEDC tariff is N15/kWh, what is the average bill per month and per annum...
Question 2
(a) State four examples of irreversible process in thermodynamics
(b) A U-tube mercury thermometer with one arm opened to the atmosphere is used to measure pressure in a steam pipe. The level of mercury in the open arm is 975mm greater than that in the arm connecting to the pipe. Some of steam on the pipe condenses in the manometer arm connected to the pipe. The height of of this arm is 34 mm. The atmospheric pressure is 760mm of Hg. Find the absolute pressure of steam.
(c) with diagram only, describe (i) positive work and (ii) negative work..
(d)define the term internal reversibility and state one example.
Question 3
(a) State the equation that relates absolute pressure, atmospheric pressure and gauge pressure.
(b) state and briefly describe two pressure measuring instruments.
(c) Convert the following readings of pressure to kpa, assuming that barometric reading is 760mm of Hg.
(i) pressure of 80cm of Hg
(ii) 30 cm Hg vacuum and
(iii) pressure due to 1.35m H2 O gauge
(d) define the term reversible process and state two examples of nearly reversible processes