A thousand ways to pass basic biology examination

201.For heterotrophic organisms, competition is least caused by inadequacy of
  • A. nutrients
  • B. light
  • C. space
  • D. mates
202.The most important adaptation of xerophytes is the ability of the protoplasm to
  • A. absorb water and swell
  • B. resist being damaged by loss by loss of water
  • C. shrink from the cell wall
  • D. store sugar and minerals in the vacuoles.
203.The stem of a typical aquatic plant usually has many
  • A. water cavities
  • B. water conducting cells
  • C. air cavities
  • D. intercellular spaces.
204.A green snake in green grass is able to escape notice from predators because of its
  • A. warning colouration
  • B. disruptive colouration
  • C. cryptic colouration
  • D. counter shading.